Apply for membership..
Please complete the application form. You must complete your name, address and sign the application form. All other information is optional but it would be helpful if you can complete as much as possible.
Please read our Privacy Notice designed to meet the standards of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Completed forms can be submitted by hand at the bar or by post to The Membership Secretary, The Sikorski Polish Club, 5 Parkgrove Terrace, Glasgow G3 7SD. Applications can only be processed if the subscription has been paid. Cheques should be made payable to "The Polish Social and Educational Society"
Subscription is currently only £20 (£15 senior citizens/students)
Application form online
You can complete the application form directly from this link.
You will sill have to print it out, sign it and submit it by hand or post. In most browsers you will be able to print the form by right clicking and selecting print.
Application form download
You can also download the application form and complete it by hand. Please use BLOCK CAPITALS.
The application form requires you to provide the name of one proposer who must be existing Ordinary member. If you do not know any existing member you can instead provide a short statement of who you are and the reasons you have for joining our club. Alternatively, you can speak to a member of staff who can also propose your application.
Types of membership
Ordinary - For Polish nationality or direct relatives.
Associate - For all other nationalities.
Please refer to our constitution for further information about Ordinary and Associate memberships.
Your new membership
Once you have submitted the application form and membership fee, it will be processed at our next monthly committee meeting. Your name will be posted on a "New Applications List" and displayed in our society for at least 2 weeks. Once you have been approved as a new member, your membership will be posted to you.
We are a family friendly society and your good conduct is expected at all times.
To pay my existing membership
current membership is £20 (£15 senior citizen/student) and is due by 31st March each year
You can pay your membership at our bar (please make sure your membership number appears on the receipt).
You can send a cheque made payable to "Polish Social and Educational Society". Send it to The Treasurer, The Sikorski Polish House, 5 Parkgrove Terrace, Glasgow G3 7SD.
pay by BACS to Bank of Scotland Sort Code: 80-07-73, Account:10025061, to "Polish Social and Educational Society". Include your membership number if known.
set up a standing order with your bank using this form mandate.pdf. Please give the completed form to your bank.